Wednesday, May 16, 2007

One year ago...

...I was complaining about the lack of central heating in New Zealand.

And we were preparing to leave Wellington for the final time. Doesn't seem like it's been anywhere near a year. We went driving around the city, exploring a few corners we hadn't seen in our months living in the city, and checking out a little-used viewing area of the city.

Downtown Wellington from Tinakori Hill

I still have a ton of stuff from our trip I've been meaning to get up here. I realize I need to do it quickly, or it's going to lose even more relevance. At this point, it's more to help out my own memory. So hopefully I'll put up a few travel dispatches from places I didn't get to blog about at the time.

I'm also going to be taking a shorter trip soon - this weekend I'm flying to Atlanta to see some friends there and in New Orleans/Southern Mississippi. Back in D.C. in June, then have to seriously start worrying about getting a job (and our upcoming wedding).

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