Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I've been in Atlanta two and a half days, and my only impressions of the city so far is this: the food seems designed to kill rather than nourish.
Today I ordered a meal that was listed on the receipt thusly: "1 coronary bypass, med."

And today was actually a detox day. After meeting up with friends in D.C. Friday night and lots more friends here in Atlanta Saturday night, being behind on sleep and going out for a while again last night, a detox day was needed. Mostly, I think more sleep is needed.

Tomorrow, I'll venture into the city rather than just the bars and apartments of friends. At least that's the plan.


Liz Allman said...

Just vacationing?

Anonymous said...

Yeah - taking some time to see some friends in Atlanta and New Orleans before really settling into D.C.

Liz Allman said...

Avoiding employment just a little while longer?