Tuesday, May 08, 2007

i'm glad I live on a bus line...

DC Gas prices
Originally uploaded by Focused.
In abstract theory terms, I don't necessarily think higher gas prices are a bad thing (although it'd be nice if there was some sort of infrastructure to allow more people to get by without using gas first).
However, it's a little bit of a shock to see prices jump 15 cents in a week. When I got here, I filled up in DC for $2.959/gallon, a price that was a few cents lower than most stations in the area. Today, I put in a few gallons at $3.099 per, a price I was happy to see - it was at least 10 cents below anything else I saw. (And I actually found that price in Maryland).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clearly you need to come to Arlington to get gas. I filled up this morning for $2.98. Of course, the drive would probably negate the cheaper price, unless you filled up a can and brought it home on the Metro. Which, considering they don't let you eat or play music out loud, is probably not allowed.