Thursday, July 20, 2006

touring the South Island

We've left Dunedin (and finished the working portion of the working holiday). Now it's all holiday. The last few days we've been hanging out with Irish friends in Queenstown. Got in a day of skiing at Treble Cone with good snow and good views (not of the snow though - too many clouds meant no shadows so tricky to see what you were skiing on).
Not sure what we'll be doing over the next few weeks. Maybe another day of skiing here, hopefully a bungy jump. We're looking at heading back up the West Coast for a day of hiking on the Glaciers, then maybe three days or so of skiing or trying to snowboard at an area near Christchurch. We fly out of New Zealand on Aug. 7 (out of Christchurch). In between we'll try to have some fun and not freak out about all the details - selling as much stuff as we can, packing as much as we can, and deciding if we want to send the rest home.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

Just looked at the photos of the lanterns. Great stuff, especially the fireworks shots. That is one really steep street, but I have a hard time believing it is the steepest street in the world. Surely there is a steeper street. I think this was just a 'pity fuck' on the part of the Guiness Book of World Records. Ah, poor New Zealand. What the fuck are they world-famous for? Ah yes, they have a steep street. OK, I admit it: I am a jackass. Later. --Notes.