Monday, September 29, 2008

move, completed

We're still living among mounds of unpacked boxes and our furniture situation is in a state of flux, but at least we're moved in.

It's been nearly a month since we moved from one part of Northwest D.C. to another part of Northwest D.C. (we moved north and east, ending up near here). The first week after we moved in, neither of us spent enough time at the new apartment to bother to unpack anything (I was working 16 hour days and Kirsten was out of town for work). So what is at best a slow process - unpacking - became even slower. At least now we've got most of the boxes opened, a few of them emptied and even have furniture arranged (figuring out how to fit things in the living room took the better part of a weekend). Now the wishlist includes things like unpacking the final few boxes, figuring out where everything goes (instead of simply piling loose ends on top of the unpacked boxes), trading up from our free couch and acquiring a desk to configure some sort of computer work space (although just hauling out the dual laptops in the living room works too, I guess).

I can see a future, someday, when every surface isn't covered with loose ends. I don't know why I think such a future exists, since my past has mostly been filled with loose ends everywhere, but such dreams are nice to hold on to.

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