Thursday, May 11, 2006


stepping out
Originally uploaded by anek dotal.
Birds are the main attraction here - the only attraction, really, when it comes to wildlife. Starting with the Kiwi, New Zealand has a plethora of birds you're not going to find anywhere else and the country is understandably proud of them.
Of of the more common, but odd-looking, birds is the Pukeko, or swamp hen.
The Pukeko is easily recognizable by it's bright purple or blue breast and unique body proportions. The body is about the size of a chicken, but the legs are stretched so that it appears to be walking on stilts, and its feet seem to belong to a much larger bird.
You can often catch glimpses of Pukeko on the side of rural roads, although they are generally shy birds. Apparently they are considered a game bird and can be hunted, but I haven't seen Pukeko on any menu since I've been here. I'll keep looking.

(The plural form of Pukeko, by the way, is "Pukeko." No 's' at the end.)

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