Sunday, March 27, 2011

South by Southwest

Last week Kirsten and I traveled to Austin for the South by Southwest music festival. It was the first SXSW for both of us, and after seeing 36 bands in three days (37 shows - we doubled up on one band) I want to capture my initial reactions to all of them. So I'm going to recap my SXSW experience, one band at a time, in a few posts the over the next couple of days.

A few tips based on our experience for anyone thinking of heading to Austin for SXSW:

* A badge/wristband isn't necessary, but if you can afford it, get one. Official showcases generally happen after 7 p.m. each night. During the day unofficial parties are everywhere, and just about any band that's playing the fest is going to be playing during the day. Just about every evening showcase has tickets available for people without a badge or wristband as well, although to get in you'll have to show up early and stay. Badges (full conference registration, several hundred dollars) have top priority. Wristbands (which we had) get you into any showcase for free, after badges have been admitted. We failed to get into only one show in three nights; the wristband generally allowed us to breeze right in and gave us the option of hopping from venue to venue all night. To get a wristband, however, you have to be an Austin resident or know an Austin resident.

* Have comfortable shoes. Standing on hard concrete floors in dozens of venues made my feet and back a wreck by the second night. I wasn't the only one; by the time I made a trip to CVS the footcare section had completely sold out.

* Make a schedule, but don't expect to keep it. We prepared by listening to samples of SXSW bands and reading previews, making notes of artists we'd like to see. We used that as a loose guide about where to go, but we also changed plans on the fly as we heard things we liked or ended up geographically unable to get somewhere in time. It allowed us to discover bands we wouldn't have otherwise seen.

* If you're thinking about going, go. I can't recommend the experience enough.

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