Tuesday, December 04, 2007

one year later

It has now been slightly more than one year since we arrived back in the States after our overseas tour. Somehow, my time in New Zealand seems as though it occurred more recently than our stay in Missouri at the beginning of this year. I probably tell fewer stories about our trip now, which I'm sure those I'm talking to appreciate.

I expected the travels to feel like a break from the arc of my "real" life. Instead, being back feels like the break. Of course, I imagine a big part of the feeling is because my "real" life, or at least my career path, is still on hold. I've been getting some freelance work, but so little I have almost nothing to point to in terms of what I've been doing. I'd like to break out, have something to work on, earn some money. Gotta change something, but it'd be nice if I end up being able to do something at least related to what I want to do.

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