Wednesday, January 25, 2006

fake meat

I don't know why, but New Zealand loves really bad junk food in
meat-like flavors.
One of the first days after I arrived in this country, I just had to
try a product on the convenience store shelves, next to the potato
chips and Cheeto-like products. In one of the many mass-produced
bags, as advertised in giant orange letters, were "Burger Rings."
The product is vile. Think cheetos shaped like a circle, with a bit
of beef extract caked on.
But it's nothing compared to my next foray into the meat-flavored
snack genre. After trying to eat some chicken flavored chips, I
turned the bag over to read the ingredients.
The relevant entries: Artificial flavors (622, 624, 626) and Chicken Fat.
At least it's not all artificial.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's not so much actual meat as it is actual animal product (and as much as I'm in favor of fat in food as a concept, pouring it directly on my chips might be a bit much even for me.)

melissa angle said...

and for the record Chicken in a Biskit also has actual animal product in it...I was disappointed when I went veggie. To add to the meat snacks, there's a girl here who works in graphics that loves these shrimp-flavored things. I tried one once and almost vomited.

Anonymous said...

As much as you don't like to admit it Daimon, your chips are cooked directly in fat and therefore contain a large amount of it (that's why baked chips are healthier). I think you mean to make the distinction between animal and vegetable fats, which is interesting because if you saw pork fat in a potato chip I bet you would love it. I know I would have to give it a try.

Anonymous said...

I think I mean to make the distinction between having a chip fried in oil and a chip with chicken fat in its list of ingredients, which makes me think of a worker pouring old chicken fat into the bag after the chips have gone in. Oddly, I think I should be in favor of this but am somehow not.